How to Schedule articles from Scheduler tool?

Connect Social Account.

  1. Go to the "Manage Social Accounts" page.
  2. Click the "Add New Social Account" button.
  3. From the popup, select the social account you want to connect. The types of social accounts you can currently connect to Feedspot: Facebook: Pages and Groups, Twitter: Profiles, LinkedIn: Profiles and Pages. Alternatively, if you haven't connected to any social account yet, you can connect from the Schedule Post page as well.
  4. Authorize permission to FeedSpot to access your social accounts.
Manage Social Account

Set up your Posting Schedule

  1. Click on the "Posting Schedule" tab on the Schedule Post page.
  2. Here, you can add a new posting time for every day, weekend, weekdays, or individual day. You can also remove a posting time by clicking the “X”.
Posting Schedule

Note - You will need to set the Posting time for each Social Account you connect

Compose, Schedule, and Share your post

  1. Click on the "What would you like to share" tab to open a modal
  2. Select the social accounts where you want to publish your post.
  3. Compose your post in the text area provided. You can also add images to your post.
  4. Finally, you can schedule your post to be published by clicking on "Schedule Post", "Add to Queue", or "Share Now".

Schedule Post - When you click on Schedule Post, you can custom set the time for the post to be added to the queue.

Schedule Post

Add To Queue - When you click on the "Add to Queue" button, the post will be added to the queue based on the scheduled posting time.

Add To Queue

Share Now - Clicking "Share Now" immediately posts to selected social account.

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